Strategic Priorities of Croatian Agriculture – Achievements, Constraints and Opportunities

Authors: Tito Žimbrek1, Ramona Franić1, Josip Juračak2

Keywords: agriulture; agricultural policy; strategic priorities; development

1Zavod za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i agrarnu sociologiju,
2Zavod za upravu poljoprivrednog gospodarstva Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Svetošimunska c. 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska 


First part of the paper gives a comprehensive review of situation in the Croatian agriculture with special emphasis on agricultural policy impact. This review can be understood as a stimulus to expert discussion about the policy with the aim to improve it. The paper comprises macroeconomic indicators, agrarian structure, agricultural production, agricultural market and agricultural policy in recent years.
In second part of the paper is analysed realisation of strategic priorities defined in Strategy for Croatian Agricultural Development approved by the Parliament in 1995. Based on the analysis, main long-term constraints and opportunities to the Croatian agriculture are suggested.


[Agroeconomia Croatica 1:2001 (1) 1-14]