
Navike studentske populacije pri konzumaciji kave

Autori: Sanja Stanić, Petar Šušić

Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Odsjek za sociologiju, Poljička cesta 35, 21000 Split (sstanic@ffst.hr)


U ovom radu istražene su navike i aktivnosti tijekom konzumiranja kave. Istraživanje je provedeno u Splitu. Ciljana skupina je studentska populacija (N=240). U istraživanju je primijenjena metoda ankete. Istraživačka pitanja su se odnosila na navike i proces konzumiranja kave te aktivnosti koje osoba poduzima na individualnoj i na razini društvene interakcije. Ispitane su prostorne i tehnološke vrijednosti kojima se ispitanici rukovode kod odabira kafića. Rezultati pokazuju kako studenti najčešće konzumiraju dvije kave na dan. Preferirana je kava s mlijekom. Većini ispitanika brand kave nije važan. Interijer kafića utječe na odabir mjesta za konzumiranje kave. Rezultati su potvrdili kako je konzumacija kave u kafiću društveni događaj. Velika većina konzumira kavu u društvu drugih, uz razgovor. Blizu polovine ispitanika uz kavu provede i duže od sat vremena. Uz kavu se ispitanici informiraju putem elektroničkih medija i prate društvene mreže. Korištenje pametnog telefona u tijeku komunikacije s drugima uz kavu nije prisutno u velikoj mjeri.

Ključne riječi: Split, kava, studenti, komunikacija, socijalnost, tehnologija

Coffee consumption habits in student population


In this paper, the habits and sociability of coffee consumption were investigated. The research was conducted in Split. The target group is the student population (N = 240). The survey method was used in the research. Research questions were related to the habits and process of coffee consumption, and the activities that a person undertakes at the individual and at the level of social interaction. The spatial and technological values ​​that the respondents are guided by when choosing a café were examined. The results show that students most often consume two coffees per day. Coffee with milk is preferred. For most respondents, the brand of coffee is not important. The interior of the cafe affects the choice of place to consume coffee. The results confirmed that coffee consumption in a cafe is a social event. The vast majority consume coffee in communication, in the company of others. Nearly half of the respondents spent more than an hour drinking coffee in the coffee shop. They are informed through electronic media and follow social networks. Using a smartphone while communicating with others is not present to a large extent.

Key words: Split, coffee, students, communication, sociality, technology

Cijeli tekst / Full text: https://haed.hr/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/AEC-2022-02-06.pdf