Rural tourism as a response to special nutritional needs
Autori: Kristina Svržnjak1, Sandra Kantar1, Silvije Jerčinović1, Timon Fabijanec2
1Visoko gospodarsko učilište u Križevcima, Milislava Demerca 1, 48260 Križevci (
2Student preddiplomskog stručnog studija Poljoprivreda, smjer Menadžment u poljoprivredi, Visoko gospodarsko učilište u Križevcima, Milislava Demerca 1, 48260 Križevci
As part of the GASTROTOP project, a survey was conducted on attitudes towards intolerance or allergy to food and drink, and their consumption in catering facilities. Emphasis is placed on food and drink for special nutritional needs. Research results show that more than 30% of people that responded have a problem with food or drink. Since the trend of healthy eating prevails today, a professional approach is very important when planning and shaping the offer in catering. Panel discussion participants believe that the new food trends will be the easiest to adapt to family farms that deal with rural tourism and themselves produce most of the food they offer to its guests. Therefore, rural tourism should increasingly strive for multidisciplinary approach that will combine tourism, catering, agriculture, and nutrition, so in that sense it is necessary to design future education.
Ključne riječi: rural tourism, special nutritional needs, food sensitivity, catering offer
Seoski turizam kao odgovor na posebne prehrambene potrebe
U sklopu projekta GASTROTOP provedeno je anketno istraživanje o stavovima spram intolerancije ili alergije na hranu i piće te njezinu konzumaciju u ugostiteljskim objektima. Naglasak je stavljen na hranu i piće za posebne prehrambene potrebe. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da više od 30% ispitanika ima problem vezan uz hranu ili piće. S obzirom da danas prevladava trend zdrave prehrane, vrlo je važan stručan pristup prilikom planiranja i oblikovanja ponude u ugostiteljstvu. Sudionici panel rasprave smatraju kako će se novim trendovima u prehrani najlakše prilagoditi obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva koja se bave seoskim turizmom i sama proizvode većinu hrane koja nude svojim gostima. Stoga, seoski turizam sve više treba težiti multidisciplinarnom pristupu u kojem će se spojiti turizam, ugostiteljstvo, poljoprivreda i nutricionizam pa je u tom smislu potrebno osmisliti buduće edukacije.
Key words: seoski turizam, posebne prehrambene potrebe, osjetljivost na hranu, ponuda u ugostiteljstvu
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