Kompostiranje kao sastavnica kružnog gospodarstva: iskustva Kompostane Herešin
ISSN 1849-1146
UDK = 338:628.473
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69680/ac.14.1.12
Autori: Lari Hadelan1, Evita Nekret-Katić2, Magdalena Zrakić Sušac1, Saša Grubačević3
1Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, Zagreb (lhadelan@agr.hr)
2Studentica studija Agrarna ekonomika, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet
3Gradsko komunalno poduzeće Komunalac d.o.o., Koprivnica, Direktor sektora gospodarenja otpadom
Biootpad iz kućanstava, ugostiteljstva i prehrambene industrije, uz biorazgradivi otpad iz vrtova i parkova, predstavlja ekološku opasnost, ali nudi i važan resurs za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Kompostiranje je u Europskoj uniji vodeći način učinkovitog upravljanja biootpadom kojim se on pretvara u kompost, organsko gnojivo i poboljšivač tla uz značajno smanjenje emisije stakleničkih plinova i opasnosti od zagađenja voda. Cilj ovog rada je (a) opisati sustav gospodarenja biootpadom u Europskoj uniji i ulogu kompostana u njemu, (b) predstaviti ključne čimbenike poslovanja kompostane Herešin u okolici Koprivnice. Osim analize sadržaja i deskripcije kojima su opisani postupci gospodarenja otpadom u Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji, u radu je korištena i metoda intervjua s predstavnikom kompostane Herešin. U Hrvatskoj je 2022. oporabljeno oko 20 % nastalog biootpada, što je dvostruko manji postotak u odnosu na prosjek Europske unije. Kao i u EU-u, vodeći oblik oporabe biootpada u Hrvatskoj je kompostiranje koje se provodi u dvanaest hrvatskih kompostana. Jedna od novijih kompostana je kompostana Herešin koja djeluje u okolici Koprivnice od 2021. godine. Prema intervjuu s njenim predstavnikom, ova kompostana se ističe financijskom samoodrživošću, ostvarujući prihode dovoljne za pokrivanje svih troškova poslovanja.
Ključne riječi: kružno gospodarstvo, biootpad, kompostana, deskripcija, intervju
Composting as a Part of Circular Economy: Experiences of the Herešin Composting Plant
A biowaste from the households, restaurants, and the food industry, as well as a biodegradable waste from the gardens and parks, poses a threat to the environment but is also an important resource for agricultural production. In the European Union (EU), composting is the leading method for an efficient biowaste management, which transforms it into compost, organic fertilizer, and soil conditioner while significantly reducing a greenhouse-gas emission and a risk of water pollution. The aim of this paper was (a) to describe the system of biowaste management in the EU and the role of a composting plant in it and (b) to present the key factors of operation of the Herešin Composting Plant in the vicinity of Koprivnica. In addition to the content analysis and description of waste-management practices in Croatia and the EU, the paper also applied an interview method with a representative of the Herešin Composting Plant. In Croatia, approximately 20% of biowaste was recycled in 2022, which is twice as much as the EU average. As in the EU, the leading form of biowaste recycling in Croatia is composting, which is performed in twelve Croatian composting plants. One of the newer composting plants is the Herešin Composting Plant, which has been in operation in the vicinity of Koprivnica since 2021. According to an interview with its representative, this composting plant is characterized by its financial self-sufficiency, as it generates sufficient revenue to cover all operating costs.
Key words: circular economy, biowaste, compost, description, interview
Cijeli tekst / Full text: https://haed.hr/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/AEC-2024-01-12.pdf