
Važnost mekih vještina i mogućnosti njihova usavršavanja kod budućih stručnjaka u poljoprivredi – percepcije i stavovi studenata i poslodavaca

ISSN 1849-1146
UDK = 37.615.31:331.5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69680/ac.14.1.5

Autori: Marina Vidović Krušić, Sandra Kantar, Kristina Svržnjak

Veleučilište u Križevcima, Milislava Demerca 1, 48260 Križevci, Hrvatska (knjiznica@vguk.hr)


Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati percepciju i stavove studenata Veleučilišta u Križevcima koji se obrazuju za zanimanja u poljoprivredi te ih usporediti s percepcijom i stavovima poslodavaca koji su proteklih godina zaposlili završene studente Veleučilišta o vještinama potrebnim za bolju zapošljivost i konkurentnost na tržištu rada. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako studenti već tijekom studiranja stječu radno iskustvo te su upoznati s očekivanjima poslodavaca na tržištu rada. Meke vještine i osobine ličnosti smatraju jako važnima za zapošljivost, 89,2  % ispitanika smatra kako je važno u životopisu istaknuti meke vještine, a najveći broj njih naveo bi timski rad, komunikativnost, snalažljivost, fleksibilnost/prilagodljivost i kreativnost. Studenti imaju razvijenu svijest o tome kako je svaki pojedinac odgovoran za razvoj vlastitih vještina, ali jednako tako najveću mogućnost za usavršavanje vještina vide u okviru formalnog obrazovanja. Poslodavci također meke vještine smatraju jako važnima za buduće zaposlenike, a kao jako važne ocijenili su komunikativnost, timski rad, organizacijske sposobnosti, sposobnost planiranja i vještinu posredovanja/pregovaranja. Većina ispitanih poslodavaca (62,5 %) smatra kako je zaposlenicima potrebno dodatno usavršavanje za poslove koje obavljaju. Iako su profesionalna znanja stečena studiranjem važna za zapošljivost i uspjeh na tržištu rada, načini njihove primjene, mogućnost prilagodbe brzim promjenama te sposobnosti ublažavanja stresa postaju sve važniji čimbenici poslodavcima i njihovim budućim zaposlenicima. Visokoškolske institucije imaju mogućnost pomoći studentima u razvoju mekih vještina u sklopu postojećih kolegija ili uvođenjem novih, kao i organizacijom neformalnih oblika učenja u obliku radionica, tečajeva ili predavanja gostujućih stručnjaka. Važnu ulogu mogu imati i knjižnice kao idealna mjesta za neformalno učenje.    

Ključne riječi: poljoprivredno obrazovanje, meke vještine, osobine ličnosti, očekivanja poslodavaca, zapošljivost u poljoprivredi

The Importance of Soft Skills and Possibilities of their Improvement for Future Agricultural Professionals – Perception and Attitudes of Students and Employers


The aim of this research was to examine the perception and attitudes of students of the Križevci University of Applied Sciences—who are studying for the occupations in agriculture—and compare them with the perception and attitudes of employers—who have employed the University graduates in recent years—about the skills necessary for a better employability and competitiveness on the labor market. The research results   demonstrated that the students have already acquired work experience during their studies and were familiar with the employers’ expectations on the labor market. They considered the soft skills and personality traits to be very important for employability, 89.2% of respondents thought it is important to highlight the soft skills in their CV, and the largest number of them would mention teamwork, communication, flexibility/adaptability, resourcefulness, and creativity. The students manifested a developed awareness of how each individual was responsible for the development of their own skills, but they also saw the greatest opportunity for the improvement of skills within the framework of formal education. The employers also considered the soft skills very important for future employees, and they rated communication, teamwork, organizational skills, mediation/negotiation skills, and planning skills as very important. What is more, 62.5% of the surveyed employers believed that employees needed additional training for the tasks they performed. Although a professional knowledge acquired throughout the studies is important for employability and success on the labor market, the ways of their application, the ability to adapt to the rapid changes, and the ability to relieve stress are becoming the increasingly important factors for the employers and their future employees. Higher educational institutions have an opportunity to help the students develop the soft skills within the existent courses or have an opportunity to introduce the new ones, as well as to organize the informal forms of learning such as the workshops, courses, or lectures delivered by the visiting experts. An important role can also be played by libraries, which are the ideal places for informal learning.

Key words: agricultural education, soft skills, personality traits, employers` expectations, employability in agriculture

Cijeli tekst / Full text: https://haed.hr/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/AEC-2024-01-05.pdf