
Zelena arhitektura Strateškog plana Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike Republike Hrvatske 2023. – 2027.

ISSN 1849-1146
UDK = 631.147:316.43(497.5)“2023-2027“
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69680/ac.14.1.13

Autori: Ines Pohajda

Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, Zagreb, Hrvatska (ines.pohajda@mps.hr)


Zelenu arhitekturu Strateškog plana Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike Republike Hrvatske 2023. – 2027. (Strateški plan) čine intervencije kojima se ostvaruju tri specifična cilja: SO4 (klimatski), SO5 (okolišni) i SO6 (biološki). Cilj je rada dati pregled sastavnica Strateškog plana povezanih s ovim specifičnim ciljevima u obliku obveznih zahtjeva i financijskih potpora za poljoprivrednike koji provode određene poljoprivredne prakse. Rezultati pokazuju kako je najveći iznos potpora ( EUR) namijenjen ostvarivanju SO4 (klimatskog) specifičnog cilja jer sve češća pojava suše, poplave, tuče, mraza, te nevremena praćenog jakim vjetrom, uslijed klimatskih promjena nepovoljno utječe na poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. 

Ključne riječi: agro-okolišne intervencije, eko sheme, EU potpore, uvjetovanost, Zelena arhitektura

The Green Architecture of the Strategic Plan of the 2023–27 Common Agricultural Policy of the Republic of Croatia


The green architecture of the Strategic Plan of the 2023–27 Common Agricultural Policy of the Republic of Croatia (henceforth referred to as the Strategic Plan) consists of the interventions that achieve three specific objectives: SO4 (climatic), SO5 (environmental), and SO6 (biological), respectively. The aim of the paper is to provide an overview of the components of the Strategic Plan related to these specific objectives in the form of mandatory requirements and financial support for farmers who implement certain agricultural practices. The results demonstrate that the largest amount of support (EUR 1,137,123,985) is intended to achieve the SO4 (climate) specific objective, because, due to a climate change, an increasingly frequent occurrence of drought, floods, hail, frost, and storms, accompanied by the strong winds, adversely affects agricultural production.

Key words:  agroenvironmental interventions, conditionality, ecoschemes, EU support, green architecture

Cijeli tekst / Full text: https://haed.hr/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/AEC-2024-01-13.pdf