
Motivacija kupaca za kupnju poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda izravno od poljoprivrednika

ISSN 1849-1146
UDK = 338.43:631.11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69680/ac.14.2.1

Autori: Ana Čehić Marić, Ana Težak Damijanić, Milan Oplanić

Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč (acehic@iptpo.hr)


Kupnja poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda izravno od poljoprivrednika oblik je prodaje proizvoda koji je u posljednje vrijeme sve atraktivniji kupcima. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja provedenog na kupcima koji kupuju poljoprivredno- prehrambene proizvode izravno od poljoprivrednika (N=255). Podaci su prikupljeni putem online upitnika na uzorku kupaca s područje Istarske i Primorsko-goranske županije. Podaci su obrađeni putem deskriptivne statistike (opis uzorka), a napravljena je i analiza glavnih komponenti s ciljem identifikacije faktora motivacije za kupnju poljoprivredno- prehrambenih proizvoda putem izravne prodaje, te je putem ANOVE provjereno postojanje razlika između motiva za kupnju prema učestalosti i mjestima kupnje, te sociodemografskim osobinama ispitanika. Analizom glavnih komponenti identificirana su dva faktora, koji objašnjavaju 66,5 % varijance, a nazvani su karakteristike proizvoda i pogodnost. Utvrđene su određene statistički značajne razlike u motivima kupnje prema mjestima kupnje, te sociodemografskim osobinama ispitanika.

Ključne riječi: poljoprivredno-prehrambeni proizvodi, izravna prodaja, motivacija, kupci

Customers’ Motivations for the Purchase of Agricultural Food Products Directly from the Farmers


Purchasing the agricultural food products directly from the farmers is a form of selling the products that have recently become increasingly attractive to the customers. The paper presents the results of a primary research in a sample of customers (N = 255) who bought the agricultural food products directly from the farmers. The research was conducted in the form of an online customer questionnaire pertaining to the area of ​​Istria and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. The results obtained were described while applying the descriptive statistics, a principal component analysis was used to identify the main motivational components for the purchase of agricultural food products in direct sales, whereas the existence of differences between the purchase motives according to a frequency, purchase location, and the respondents’ sociodemographic characteristics was verified by the ANOVA. The principal component analysis resulted in a two-component solution explaining 66.5% of the variance. The identified components were interpreted as product characteristic and accessibility. Certain statistical differences were detected in the purchase motives, depending on a purchase location as well as on the respondents’ sociodemographic characteristics.

Key words: agricultural food products, direct sale, motivation, costumers

Cijeli tekst / Full text: https://haed.hr/dokumentacija/aec14-2/AEC-2024-02-01.pdf